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The Soap Tribune, Issue #090--bar soap coupon
February 24, 2022

Bar soap coupon!!

Once again, it's my birthday and I'm celebrating by giving you, dear readers, an exclusive coupon, specifically for 15% off all bar soap through March 7th. This coupon is only available to subscribers.

Use this code Wendysbdaysale at the checkout

Ithaca Soap Bars

Inflation continues

I began the inflation discussion last week and will continue it here.

Inflation is hitting the wholesale markets and is coming to a theater to you. Our main ingredient has more than doubled in price, so we have to plan on how to deal with that. Plus commodities are not available and/or are experiencing long time delays. I have been planning for this moment in small business history for a long time, but it's always extra work when it arrives.

Worldwide commodity prices fluctuates constantly. It has to do with a combination of things:

farming and weather conditions

world trade (which we know is under a lot of strain right now)

fuel prices (which continue to rise)

labor issues: on the farms, the processing plants, and at sea

All of these conditions are in hyper action mode all at once.

Support small business

One of my favorite NYS main routes, is driving on the Taconic Parkway, which winds its way up and down the Hudson River.

The Todd Hill Rest Area is a great stop right in the middle of the highway in Poughkeepsi. It's a Taste NY Store filled with NYS grown and produced goods. There's pickles, maple syrup, cookies, fresh produce, frozen meats, prepared food to go like soup and sandwiches, and a nice selection of LiXTiK Lip Balm at the checkout.



Winter Ithaca Market

The Ithaca Winter Farmers Market is open at The Triphammer Market Place. 10:30-2pm

Click the link below to read about it. You can order Ithaca Soap and LiXTiK Lip Balm online from the farmers market store and pickup
Winter Ithaca Farmers Market


Since shipping is out of our hands, I have adjusted our free shipping offer to keep up with the changing times.

Because you are Soap Tribune Subscribers, you have a free shipping coupon for orders of $75.00 or more.

Simply copy and paste the coupon code in the shopping cart. This is the code "freeshippingtribune"

I apologize for this extra step in the checkout process.

I've been reading about shipping rates going up in Dec and January.

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