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The Soap Tribune, Issue #015--Waterless Hand Soap February 18, 2021 |
![]() Waterless Hand Soap![]() WHS Link Waterless Hand Soap's so many uses. If you have a small business or are going in to the office, you can now get a Business Entrance Kit. Read about it. waterlesshandsoap.html Free LiXTiK Lip Balmwith every $20.00 order through Feb. 20, 2021. No coupon necessary. State flavor choice in notes of shopping cart. Tell your friends. Beautiful soap and lip balm make long lasting, symbolic Valentine's Day gifts.Beeswax Lip Balm![]() My seed tests are beginning to germinateMy germination tests are showing signs of success. I moved my germinated seeds to pots with soil. The tiny sprouts are growing into seedlings.Garden seed tests are important to see if the seeds are still good, instead of just planting and hoping for food. If stored properly, seeds can still be good for 5 years. Click the link to read about this year's garden progress garden-seed-tests.html Write a product review and receive a couponWhen you purchase something from us, you should receive an invitation to write a product review. This new website is great, because you can only do this if you have purchased something, so there are no spam reviews. We got hundreds of spam reviews on the other website, that I had to wade through and deal with.You will receive a coupon after you write your review. Thanks in advance! Ithaca Soap RSSIf you follow RSS feeds, I finally started one, and you can follow it!hand-soap-blog.htmlDilute at Home free PDFIf you missed last week's instructions to Dilute our Liquid Hand Soap Refill at Home, here it is again. I am Still working on uploading this! If you'd like it sooner, I can e mail it. Please contact me at and I'll send it right over. liquid-hand-soap-refill.html![]() Winter Farmers Market Sat. from 10:30-2pmithaca-farmers-market.html The indoor Ithaca Farmers Market's in full swing Saturdays at the Triphammer Mall. There's even some vendors setting up outside in the parking lot and in a storefront.Remember, we do not attend the Winter Market. You can order and do a pick up at The Winter Market Saturdays from 12-2pm. If you would like to order Ithaca Soap and Beeswax Lip Balm and do curbside pick up, order through the farmers market online store here IFM store Gift cards let your recipients make their own selectionsgift cardsGive the gift of good soap. Buy in bulk and spread the idea that soft hands is possible in the age of washing your hands a lot. Hand washing has always been the best way to keep from getting sick. But with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks, hand washing matters more than ever. Hand washing prevents the spread of germs, including coronavirus. Click on the link for more info... hand washing ![]() We are giving away a free LiX Calendula Stikwith every order of $100 or more. They are made with our own garden grown calendula flowers, with added lavender and peppermint, and our golden, honey perfumed beeswax from our NYS beekeepers.
I took the pop up reminder off of the website, but this special gift is still available to those of you who read to the bottom of this e mail![]() Free shipping on orders of $60.00 or more in the continental USWe ship world wide. I go through the trouble of finding the least expensive way to get what we make to you. |
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